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Descriptions :
Why Asean International Retail Show :
Asean continued economic growth is expected to prevail over the next three years despite downtrend in many parts of the world.

New emerging of millions of square meters of new large size shopping centres, community malls, modern trade (wholesale and discount stores), and speciality stores in the region

Thailand Retail Market is expected to top 10 million square meters over the next few years, from almost 8 million square meters in 2015. About 1,5 – 2 million square meter space will be added with construction of new super large shopping centres throughout the country.

The increasing purchasing power among middle to high middle to high income bracket, resulting in retail sales/business expansion.

Your BEST opportunities for international retail suppliers to expand your horizon, market shares and bolster sales to this region.

1 Name ASEAN International Retail Show
2 Date 4 – 7 Agustus 2016
3 Venue Bangkok International Trade & Exhibiton Centre (BITEC)
4 Organizer Diversified Communications Thailand
5 Space 15.000 sqm
6 Exhibition International
7 Products Retail Technology, Retail Design & In-Store Maketing and Fittings, Internet Retailing.
8 Visitor Profile All Retail sectors from Food and Non-food Industry CEO / GMs / Managers and Management teams of Shopping malls / Community malls /   Retailer Shop owners IT Service Managers / Internet / E-commerce Security /   Maintenance and Logistics Coffee / Bakery & Ice-cream shop owners /   Franchisors /   Brand Masters / Licensors.

Categories: 2016Thailand